Cleeve School


Cleeve School values the contribution that every child and young person can make. The school welcomes a diversity of culture, religion and intellectual ability and strives to meet the National Curriculum Inclusion statement in delivering the curriculum to:

  • provide suitable learning challenges
  • meet the students diverse learning needs
  • remove the barriers to assessment and learning

Provision for students with SEND is a matter for the whole school. In line with the SEND Code of Practice, Cleeve School will:

  • ensure that all students with SEND are offered full access to a broad, balanced and appropriate curriculum.
  • provide for the individual needs of all students with SEND and ensure their progress in mainstream education in order to maximise their achievement.
  • ensure that the needs of students with SEND are identified, assessed, provided for and regularly reviewed.
  • take the views and wishes of the child into account.
  • work in partnership with parents to enable them to make an active, empowered and informed contribution to the education of their child.


For the 'SEND Cleeve School Local Offer', the 'SEND Policy' and the 'SEND Information Report (which includes details  of the complaints process) please visit our School Policies.

Additional Information and Opportunities

Inclusion Gloucestershire Youth Forum - Monthly via Zoom.

This is a fantastic new online forum, suitable for autistic and neuro diverse young people aged 14-19 years old. The forum will be facilitated by young people with Autism alongside staff who have received specialist safeguarding training, and it will be an opportunity for the young people to share their experiences and gain self advocacy skills. 

In order to join, you must give parental consent via the link below:

More information

SEND Co-ordinator key contact 

Mrs Victoria Pearce, Deputy Head (Acting): SEND, Inclusion, Access -