Student Admissions
If you are applying to transfer to secondary schools in the normal cycle at the end of Year 6 you will receive a letter about the process from the Local Authority. These letters are normally distributed to parents and carers of children entering Year 6 at the start of the Autumn Term and will give details of how to apply for any school.
For further information please consult the Gloucestershire County Council website for guidance on transferring to secondary school.
- To view Cleeve School's Determined Admissions Policy for entry September 2023, click here
- To view Cleeve School's Determined Admissions Policy for entry September 2024, click here
- To view Cleeve School's Determined Admissions Policy for entry September 2025, click here
- To view Cleeve School's Proposed Admissions Policy for entry September 2026, click here
Cleeve School admissions over subscription criteria are listed below.
Transitions - Student and Parent Handbook for new starters
In-Year Applications
In-year applications are all those made outside the normal round of admissions for children of compulsory school age i.e. those applications made during the academic year for a school place in Year 7 through to Year 11. In-year applications are dealt with by Cleeve School directly. To apply for a place here parents should contact the school.
If you would like your child to be considered for a school place please complete the application form below:
If you are unsuccessful with your application, you do have a right of appeal to this decision and if you would like to action that please write to the Governance Officer here at Cleeve - . We should be notified of your intention to appeal in writing within 28 days of the date of your refusal letter. Gloucestershire County Council has a dedicated In-year Admissions Team available to support parents through the admissions process. They will be able to discuss other schools in the area with you and help you find your child a place at an alternative school. They will also be able to talk you through the appeals process and answer any other queries you may have. This team can be contacted on 01452 426015 or
Oversubscription Criteria for admissions in September 2024
Cleeve School has a published admission number for Year 7, from September 2024, of 310.
Where the number of applications received exceed this number the over-subscription criteria set out below will apply.
The criteria will be followed in the following order for admissions in 2024
- Children in Public Care (Looked After Children), including children who have previously been 'looked after' and later subject to an adoption residence, or special guardianship order.
- Children living in the priority catchment area served by the school, with the strongest geographical distance.
- Children of full or part time salaried members of staff who have been employed by Cleeve School for two years or more at the time of the application for admission.
- Children who live outside the catchment area served by the school, with priority going to those with the strongest geographical claim.
Oversubscription Criteria for admissions in September 2025
Cleeve School has a published admission number for Year 7, from September 2025, of 310.
Where the number of applications received exceed this number the over-subscription criteria set out below will apply.
The criteria will be followed in the following order for admissions in 2025
- Children in Public Care (Looked After Children), including children who have previously been 'looked after' and later subject to an adoption residence, or special guardianship order.
- Children of full or part time salaried members of staff who have been employed by Cleeve School for two years or more at the time of the application for admission.
- Children who have a sibling attending the school where the sibling is a member of Year 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11 at the time of application. Note: refer to the Determined Admissions Policy for the definition of 'sibling'.
- Children living in the priority catchment area served by the school, with the strongest geographical distance.
- Children who live outside the catchment area served by the school, with priority going to those with the strongest geographical claim.
Entry to Cleeve Sixth Form Centre of Excellence
The application process for the Sixth Form begins in December. Sixth Form Prospectus and Application Form can be found here.
The Sixth Form Open Evening takes place in January with applications for Sixth Form to be completed by February half term. All applicants will then receive consultations with The Assistant Head of Sixth Form during March/April.
For more information, please read the Admissions Policy above or contact us at
Timetable for Appeals
Timetable for the transfer to Secondary School admission in September 2024 has been published and can be viewed by clicking here.