Course Overview
University of WORCESTER
At the Cleeve Training Hub, we offer a wide range of PGCE courses with a Secondary focus and support Trainee Teachers to reach Qualified Teaching Status (QTS). Our courses are either 11-16 with post 16 enhancement or 14-19 age ranges.
Throughout the course, you will have access to exceptional levels of support from the University of Worcester, Cleeve School Regional Hub and placement school mentors.
You will have an immersive experience in two placements within our partner schools alongside specialist training at the University of Worcester and at our brand new Cleeve Training Hub facility, where you will cover up-to-date relevant educational issues, useful teaching and learning strategies and be given time for observing expert colleagues, reflection and research. There will also be opportunities to further your learning during enhancement activities such as special educational needs, teenage mental health, education in climate emergency, technology-enhanced learning, and leadership. Throughout the year, you will be encouraged to take part in extra-curricular opportunities, such as conferences, additional courses, off site visits and special projects, to boost your employability.
The curriculum has been co-designed with the University of Worcester and so training will be delivered at Cleeve School Regional Hub and at the University of Worcester (St John's Campus). The University of Worcester will make the academic award.
University of Worcester PGCE Secondary
The breadth of knowledge gained through this wide range of experience, will be invaluable upon your qualification at the end of the course.
Our training centre provides an inspiring base for training sessions which cover all core content needed to achieve QTS and is delivered by experienced and current staff at Cleeve School and partner schools.
We pride ourselves on our engaging curriculum, which endeavours to be as interactive as possible and highly relevant and up to date regarding the national educational context. In addition, we seek out opportunities beyond Cleeve School allowing trainees to experience different educational settings and to benefit from our partnership with the University of Worcester.
School placements
There will be 3 placements across 2 schools as part of this course:
School 1 - September to December
School 2 – January to June.
Both placements will take place in two contrasting secondary schools and, during at least one placement, trainees will have the opportunity to teach up to Key Stage 5. Additionally, there will be opportunities during the academic year to gain experience in a primary and SEND setting.
Whilst on placement, you will be supported by a subject mentor and a professional mentor who will work with you to support your progress on placement.
Courses We Currently Offer
Art & Design
Business Studies with Economics
Design & Technology (Food)
Modern Languages (French with Spanish)
Religious Education