Cleeve School

Supporting Your Child - Free School Meals

The school is eligible for Pupil Premium funding for each student who is registered for Free School Meals (FSM). This funding is used in a variety of ways to help support students. Further information can be found on our Pupil Premium page - click here.

However, we are unable to access this funding unless Parents apply through the Gloucestershire County Council website on the following link - click here.

Gloucestershire County Council’s Access to Learning Team has launched a new portal to enable Parents and Guardians to apply online for Free School Meals across the county.

The portal is quick, easy and efficient compared to the traditional paper based system. For more information, or to make an application Parents/Guardians should visit:

For any queries regarding this or the process of applying, please contact or by telephone on 01452 425390.

If you need any further help with this process, please do call into school and we would be happy to guide you through the procedure. 

At Cleeve School FSM students are given a daily £2.40 ‘credit’ on their school catering accounts, to use at break and/or lunchtime. The process at the till point is the same for all students – Free School Meal students are not identified in any way.

Please can we encourage you to look at this information to see if you may be eligible – it will greatly help your child and greatly help Cleeve School.