Cleeve School

Pupil Premium Funding

Information relating to Pupil Premium and Free School Meals

The Pupil Premium is a Government initiative that targets extra money at students who are classed as disadvantaged because research has shown that they can underachieve compared to their non-deprived peers. The premium is provided in order to support these students in reaching their potential.

Pupil Premium money is sent to schools for the support of students who match the following criteria.

  • They are in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM)
  • They have been in receipt of FSM at some point in the last six year
  • Children from families connected with the Armed Forces
  • Children in Care
  • Children who are adopted and were previously in care

The Government is not dictating how schools should spend this money. Schools are considered best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for individual students to increase attainment and ‘close the gap’ in comparison with their peers.

Pupil Premium

For the financial year 2023-2024 the total value for Pupil Premium is at £367,606 in funding.

The Department for Education has given Cleeve School the freedom to use this as we see fit based on our knowledge of our student’s needs. However, we as a school are accountable for the use of this additional funding.

 Our strategy for our 2023-2024 funding and its anticipated impact can be accessed here.

For more information about the Pupil Premium at Cleeve School please see our Pupil Premium Policy.

Applications for Free School Meals 

Gloucestershire County Council’s Access to Learning Team has launched a new portal to enable Parents and Guardians to apply online for Free School Meals across the county.

 For more information, or to make an application Parents/Guardians should visit:

For any queries regarding this or the process of applying, please contact or by telephone on 01452 425390.