Trips and visits - #CLEEVEONTOUR
The Cleeve Offer
At Cleeve, we are committed to offering all students a variety of opportunities to take part in extra-curricular, enrichment activities and visits. We view this as a core component of our offer to all students at the school.
Alongside our core values of Aspiring, Transforming and Collaborating, we encourage all students to learn beyond the classroom. Our trips and visits offer helps to develop character and reinforces understanding in the classroom.
The table below shows a 'flavour' of the types of trips we offer at Cleeve each year - with 73 separate trips in the current academic year, this is by no means an exhaustive list! Please note our trips offer is regularly reviewed and updated throughout the academic year, with new trips and opportunities always becoming available:
Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) |
Year 10 | Year 11 | Year 12 | Year 13 |
All Year Groups | ||||
Financing of Trips and Visits
In line with school and DfE Policy, Cleeve may ask parents for set voluntary contributions towards the cost of curricular trips, but if the trip cannot be fully funded then it will have to be cancelled. Enrichment trips (out of school hours), will be charged at a level to cover the costs to the school. Some parents may request financial support to enable their child to participate in an activity or visit, all requests will be considered on an individual basis, within the constraints of the funds that are available at that time.
To apply for financial support parents/guardians must complete and return a Financial Support Request Form (email completed form to To further support all parents, the school is able to offer a scheme through our online payment system, Scopay, to enable parents/guardians to make regular payments/instalments, which can accumulate over time.
For some residential trips it is often necessary for the school to build a level of contingency into the price of the trip, to cover any unexpected costs. Where a contingency fund is left unspent, the money received will be refunded if more than £5.
Off-site Visits Policy
For the 'Off-Site Visits Policy' please visit our School Policies and Documents section of our website.
Get in touch
Have you got a question about Trips and Visits at Cleeve? Please contact our Educational Visit Coordinator, Mr C Holder at