Destination Data
Key Stage 4 Destinations
This is the percentage of students who continue in education or training, or move on to employment in the year after the end of Key Stage 4.
Year 11 Destination Information (September 2024)
Destination |
Percentage |
Number |
Total |
Cleeve Sixth Form |
60.66% |
156 |
257 |
College |
33.43% |
86 |
257 |
Apprenticeship |
4.75% |
12 |
257 |
Other |
1.16% |
3 |
257 |
Key Stage 5 Destinations
Year 13 Destination Information 2023/24 (published September 2024)
Destination |
Percentage |
Number |
Total |
University |
54% |
73 |
134 |
Apprenticeships |
9% |
12 |
134 |
Gap Year |
13% |
17 |
134 |
Employment |
19% |
25 |
134 |
College |
4% |
5 |
134 |
Forces |
1% |
2 |
134 |