Cleeve School

Trainee Testimonials

"I completed my first PGCE placement with Cleeve School in October 2023 and I couldn't have been happier with the support I received. From the first day, the Geography Department provided excellent support and training for me. They focussed on my areas of strengths and areas of development to ensure that I was always improving throughout the placement. The Geography Department made me feel like a valued member of their team, respecting my views and providing me with the opportunity to contribute to the department too. 

Alongside this, I received insightful lectures from different members of the school that allowed me to understand Cleeve School's vision and ethos. I was able to use this expert knowledge from staff to improve my pedagogy within the classroom. 

I have been lucky enough to be offered a full-time teaching position in September 2024 with this school. I believe the strengths of this school allowed me to grow into a successful candidate.

I have learnt so much from this school, not solely teaching & learning, but also how supportive schooling environments can be for pupils. I would highly recommend Cleeve school to anyone who wants to start a career in teaching."

Aaminah Motara – Geography


I am ECT 1, finishing my first year of teaching at Cleeve School. I would highly recommend the school to anyone looking to start their teaching career. The support from all staff members has been second to none. Communication is clear and effective. My mentor has supported my progression in teaching through weekly mentor meetings following the Best Practice Syllabus but also catering the conversations to where I might need the support most that week. Everyone has been friendly and welcoming, and the school ethos itself reiterates the message for growth and progression in its staff, and those wanting to train in teaching.

 I would highly recommend Cleeve School as a training facility for ITTs and a place for ECTs to grow and thrive in their profession.

Holly Sturton - Maths


“Completing my PGCE at Cleeve School provided me with the opportunity to learn to teach in a school-based environment, starting with classroom observations in the very first week. Observing techniques in action early in my training allowed me to understand how to integrate pedagogical techniques into lessons. Moreover, I had the chance to see how different teachers use the same techniques in various ways.

 The team at Cleeve School was supportive throughout my training year and was always available to offer advice and guidance. Over the year, I developed my skills both in the classroom and within the wider school community. I completed two distinct placements, which allowed me to experience working in different school environments and apply the skills I had developed in various settings. This experience has left me feeling confident and excited to start teaching at Cleeve School in September.”

Trainee, August 2024


"I completed my PGCE with Cleeve school and I am very grateful for the opportunity to learn from them. They provided me with excellent training, support, and guidance throughout the course. I learned a lot from their experienced and knowledgeable tutors, mentors, and peers. They helped me develop my pedagogical skills, subject knowledge, and confidence as a teacher. I also enjoyed the variety of placements and experiences that they offered me, which allowed me to apply my learning in different settings and contexts.

I would highly recommend Cleeve school to anyone who wants to pursue a career in teaching. They are a professional, friendly, and supportive PGCE provider that will prepare you well for the challenges and rewards of teaching.

I enjoyed feeling part of the Cleeve team as I was made to feel welcome in the school from the very beginning by the friendly and supportive staff and students. As this is a SCITT provider , I was able to immerse myself in the teaching profession way smoother than I would have anticipated. I learned a lot from the experienced mentors and the practical training sessions that prepared me for the challenges and rewards of teaching."

Mihaela Kurteva